TechRenew Inc. was created as the non-profit arm of IT Strategies LLC.  We discovered that many of our clients needed an outlet for old, outdated, or broken equipment, but didn't know where to go.  We began to take those items off our clients' hands as a service, but then what did we do with it?

It soon became evident that the answer was two-fold.  First, we refurbished what we could, cleaning, repairing, upgrading, and in the case of pc's, wiping the data drives clean using a utility that conforms to Department of Defense standards.  To those people who say data never goes away - it can be done with the right tools!!!  We repurposed that equipment, working with schools, churches, and other charitable organizations to place the refurbished items where they could help the most.

The second solution addressed items that were too old, too obsolete, or too broken.  These items were passed along to a licensed electronics recycler with a 0% landfill policy.  While the items themselves were of no value, they contained parts that could be recycled, or simply needed to be disposed of for environmental safety.

And thus, TechRenew Inc. was born.  Our non-profit status gives us the opportunity for donations to be tax deductible.  It also allows us to participate in programs like the Microsoft Registered Refurbisher program. 

As a Microsoft Registered Refurbisher, we are able to supply refurbished PCs preinstalled with Microsoft software to local consumers and businesses, and to qualified charities, non-profits, schools, and government programs.